
API Builder

Use the built-in API builder to create complex API routes with ease.

This headless starter includes an Express-esque API builder, defined in the JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Api class. You can use it to reuse logic such as handling a token or validating some other incoming data.

Take a look at the built-in routes to get an idea of how you can use the API builder to chain complex route logic.


Extend Kirby's Routing

The following example demonstrates how to create a simple API route that returns a JSON response. It is accessible under /hello-world.

use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Api;
use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Middlewares;

return [
    'routes' => [
            'pattern' => 'hello-world',
            'method' => 'GET',
            'action' => Api::createHandler(
                // Middleware to check if a bearer token is sent with the request
                [Middlewares::class, 'hasBearerToken'],
                // Handler function to execute if the middleware passes
                function (array $context) {
                    // Access the `foo` query parameter
                    $foo = kirby()->request()->get('foo');

                    // Do something with `$foo` here

                    return Api::createResponse(200, [
                        'foo' => $foo

Extend Kirby's API

If you want to create an API route that is accessible under /api/my-endpoint, you can use the api option in your config.php. This will add the endpoint to Kirby's API routes.

use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Api;
use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Middlewares;

return [
    'api' => [
        'routes' => [
                'pattern' => 'my-endpoint',
                // Accept only POST requests
                'method' => 'POST',
                // Disable authentication, since the middleware will check for a bearer token
                'auth' => false,
                'action' => Api::createHandler(
                    // Middleware to check if a bearer token is sent with the request
                    [Middlewares::class, 'hasBearerToken'],
                    // Handler function to execute if the middleware passes
                    function (array $context) {
                        $foo = kirby()->request()->get('foo');

                        // Do something with `$foo` here

                        return Api::createResponse(201, [
                            'foo' => $foo


You can use one of the built-in middlewares or define your own custom middleware.

This example demonstrates how to create a custom middleware that checks if a date query parameter is sent with the request. If not, it will return a 401 error:

use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Api;

$hasDateQuery = function (array $context) {
    if (empty(kirby()->request()->get('date'))) {
        return Api::createResponse(401);

Use the middleware in your route configuration like this:

use JohannSchopplich\Headless\Api\Api;

return [
    'routes' => [
            'pattern' => 'my-endpoint',
            'method' => 'POST',
            'action' => Api::createHandler(
                function (array $context) {
                    $date = kirby()->request()->get('date');
                    return Api::createResponse(201, [
                        'date' => $date